Contact us

Please feel free to contact us if there is anything we can help you with, we would love to help and warmly answer your questions.

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We will get back to you within 24-48 hours.

Come and visit us in Tromsø, Norway

Contact us

Frequently asked questions

Do you have student discount or company agreements?

If you're a student, you always receive a 15% student discount through our online store and restaurants. Remember to bring your student identification when you pick up the food.

If you're a company owner you can open a restaurant account and we will simply send an invoice for the food your employee's order. For more information send an email to the address listed above.

Do you have gluten-free or vegetarian options?

We can of course change our standard bread for a gluten-free option. We also have plant based, fish, chicken, beef and reindeer burgers. 

What are the burgers made of and is there milk in the burger buns?

We have a selection of burgers made from beef, chicken, fish, reindeer and plant based. Our burger buns are made fresh everyday and does not contain milk.

Who founded BurgerMan og do you exist elsewhere? 

The founder of BurgerMan is Cecilie's uncle, Reidar Lorentzen. We are currently only located in Tromsø.

Which burger do you recommend?

Everyone has a different preference when it comes to flavors, however BurgerMan overkill and hot cheddar with extra bacon is two of our best selling burger.